Here is some of our great customised merchandise for this performer. Also check out:
- our general #StageFaves merchandise in the Main Shop
Theatre includes: Doctor Dolittle (UK tour), The Wind in the Willows, Cats (Palladium), Book of Mormon (Prince of Wales), Genie in Aladdin (The Lighthouse Poole), featured vocalist in Momentous Musicals (New Wimbledon Theatre), What’s on Stage Awards 2012 (London), Olivier Awards 2012 (London), ensemble in Jack and The Beanstalk (King’s Lynn Corn Exchange), ensemble in Christmas in New York (Prince of Wales), The Brit in Turkish delight the Opera.
Films include: Young Man in Hidden Border short film (London Film Academy).
Here is some of our great customised merchandise for this performer. Also check out:
Doctor Dolittle the Musical Eccentric Doctor Dolittle embarks on an extraordinary adventure to find the Giant Pink Sea Snail that holds the secret of life and makes the world a happier place. Helped by his human companions and an exotic menagerie of animal friends, including the Pushmi-Pullyu and trusty sidekick Polynesia the parrot, the larger-th...
THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS This riotous comedy follows the impulsive Mr Toad whose insatiable need for speed lands him in serious trouble. With his beloved home under threat from the notorious Chief Weasel and his gang of sinister Wild Wooders, Toad must attempt a daring escape leading to a series of misadventures and a heroic battle to recapture Toa...
Following its triumphant season in London’s West End, the acclaimed revival of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s record-breaking musical CATS is set to return to the London Palladium for a ten week season from 23 October 2015 – 2 January 2016. The 2015 Olivier award nominated hit revival, which was reworked for the most recent season in the West End by the or...
The amazing Mr Toad and his furry friends are packing up and leaving us at the end of the summer. THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS will now finish its West End run at the London Palladium on 2 September. Will you have a chance to see it before it closes? Big plus: Kids go FREE!
London’s biggest and most vibrant Pride Festival ever took place this July! From shared West End pre-show warm ups to messages of love we’ve rounded up our 20 top rainbow tweets! #LoveHappensHere
Everybody go #PoopPoop!! Toad is in town and he's hopped his way to the London Palladium! Our #FirstNightTakeover series continues with Perry O'Bree attending the opening night of THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS on 29 June 2017 and chatting to Mr. Toad himself, Rufus Hound (amongst others!) on the red carpet! This new adaptation of the world-famous children's book was composed by Stiles and Drewe and is sure to be a West-End smash! Watch Perry's #FirstNightTakeover vlog and check out his tweets and photos from the red carpet.
A new craze has swept through Facebook this month and loads of #StageFaves are jumping on board! The Musicals Game is super simple and very enlightening. You just copy and paste the musical-themed questions, fill in your answers and then tag friends so you can compare your choices!
The full cast for the West End run of THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS is announced today. And its stars - Gary Wilmot, Denise Welch, Simon Lipkin and Craig Mather, joining the previously announced Rufus Hound and Neil McDermott - gathered at the London Palladium for a very swish photoshoot (nice ones, Darren Bell!)...
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